VOCE: A technique of toning.

VOCE (pronounced vo-chay') is Italian, meaning voice. VOCE is a non-commercial movement spreading across the United States and Europe. It is an environment of consciousness in which individuals share their creative process. These activities are in the shamanic tradition of performance, celebration, and listening. This organically expanding community of creative people is committed to the nurturing of the individual voice and self-esteem - personal healing through creative community.

VOCE is evolving as a spontaneous international "membership by consciousness". Artists, writers, entrepreneurs, healers, and others are converging via word-of-mouth toward a common ground, all taking part in growing a collective "tree of voices" - and fun.

VOCE has been evolving as performance workshops where individuals go through a simple process of introspection and expression. Traditional and modern composing techiques are used to open the individual voice, access self-knowledge, and sing the "inner song".

The VOCE core focus is to bring its empowering processes to neglected parts of our communities: hospitals, prisons, schools. Recent workshops have begun with South Central LA teens, helping these youths to discover their own song.

The VOCE network has neither a commercial agenda nor leadership. Rather, all those involved are actively taking responsibity for what needs to be done to spread its benefits. All have a chance to give and take charge. VOCE continues to branch out on its own across the river of imagination. It is a common ground waiting for your interest, your ideas, your story, your initiative.